пятница, 01 мая 2020
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
у меня была орторексия. кажется, что это так классно: ты здоровый, питаешься супер-правильно и чисто, худеешь, окружающие восхищаются твоей способностью сказать любой вкусняшке "нет". а потом ты обнаруживаешь себя несчастным, с постоянными обмороками, неспособным съесть ничего, кроме шпината из-за физического страха перед "плохой" едой. diet culture as it is.
четверг, 17 октября 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
воскресенье, 21 июля 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
воскресенье, 14 июля 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
среда, 26 июня 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

воскресенье, 05 мая 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
03.05.2019 в 21:01
Пишет Jeanne dArc:URL записиJuan Pablo MACHADO - "Rapunzel" from Ecole Emile Cohl on Vimeo.
понедельник, 04 марта 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
пятница, 01 марта 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

суббота, 23 февраля 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
суббота, 16 февраля 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

суббота, 26 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
четверг, 24 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
четверг, 17 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
17.01.2019 в 15:33
Пишет Jeanne dArc:URL записиДрузья, я возобновляю преподавание английского языка и набираю учениц и учеников для индивидуальных занятий (Москва). По всем условиям обращайтесь, пожалуйста, в личные сообщения. Буду благодарна за репосты!
суббота, 12 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

четверг, 10 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.

вторник, 08 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
самое время возвращаться в реальность и начинать жить 2019 году.
пятница, 04 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.
Types of dissociation
1. Amnesia - this is when you can’t remember incidents or experiences that happened at a particular time, or when you can’t remember personal information.
2. Depersonalisation - a feeling that your body is unreal, changing or dissolving. It also involves out of body experiences, such as seeing yourself as if watching a movie or floating above.
3. Derealisation - the world around you seems unreal. You may see objects changing in shape, size or colour, or you may feel that other people are robots or generally unreal.
4. Identity confusion - feeling uncertain about who you are. You may feel as if there is a struggle within to define yourself.
5. Identity alteration - this is when there is a shift in your role or identity that changes your behaviour in ways that others would notice.
1. Amnesia - this is when you can’t remember incidents or experiences that happened at a particular time, or when you can’t remember personal information.
2. Depersonalisation - a feeling that your body is unreal, changing or dissolving. It also involves out of body experiences, such as seeing yourself as if watching a movie or floating above.
3. Derealisation - the world around you seems unreal. You may see objects changing in shape, size or colour, or you may feel that other people are robots or generally unreal.
4. Identity confusion - feeling uncertain about who you are. You may feel as if there is a struggle within to define yourself.
5. Identity alteration - this is when there is a shift in your role or identity that changes your behaviour in ways that others would notice.
среда, 02 января 2019
the anti-heroine of an era of bathtub gin, organized crime, and jazz, clouded in the smoke of fired guns and cigarettes.